मित्तल आई हॉस्पिटल की आठवीं वर्षगांठ के शुभ अवसर पर कंपोजिट पूर्व माध्यमिक विद्यालय अलादादपुर गोरखपुर में निःशुल्क नेत्र जांच शिविर 10 जुलाई 2024 समय सुबह 8:30 बजे | निःशुल्क नेत्र जाँच शिविर दवा वितरण एवं चश्मा वितरण (सुपर स्पेशलिस्ट डाक्टरों द्वारा आँखों की जाँच) दिनांक 28 जून 2024, दिन शुक्रवार समय: सुबह 10 बजे से दोपहर 2 बजे तक कैम्प स्थान गुरु श्री गोरखनाथ मेडिकल एजेंसी, जसवल चौराहा जनता हार्डवेयर एण्ड पेन्ट शॉप, के बगल में सौजन्य से मित्तल आई हॉस्पिटल | | निःशुल्क नेत्र जाँच शिविर एवं दवा वितरण सुपर स्पेशलिस्ट डाक्टरो द्वारा आंखो की जाँच दिनांक - 2 मई 202 4, दिन-बृहस्पतिवार समय- सुबह 10 बजे से 2 बजे तक कैम्प स्थान - इंडिया ग्ल्य्कोट्स गिड़ा इंडस्ट्रियल एरिया 1 सहजनवा गोरखपुर। | दिनांक 27/04/2024 को लिटिल मिलेनियम, बेतियाहाता गोरखपुर में मित्तल आई हॉस्पिटल द्वारा बच्चों के लिए निःशुल्क नेत्र जांच शिविर | जेसीआई गोरखपुर स्वराज एवं मित्तल आई हॉस्पिटल के संयुक्त तत्वाधान में निःशुल्क नेत्र जांच एवं नेत्रदान जागरूकता शिविर दिनांक 9 सितम्बर को प्रातः 8:30 बजे से मोहद्दीपुर गुरुद्वारा में आयोजित है | | Mittal Eye Hospital is Celebrating 7th Anniversary... |

Facilities of Mittal Eye Hospital


“Hospitalization” is defined as “the admission into a hospital as. a patient for an overnight stay or emergency treatment at a hospital to the extent that. the owner or operator requested such treatment or becomes aware of such treatment.

B-scan Ultrasonography, often called just B-scan or Brightness scan, offers two-dimensional cross-sectional view of the eye as well as the orbit A B-scan can help accurately view other eye structures like the lens, choroid, sclera, vitreous and retina.

Green lasers can be used for a variety of roles. They can be used as pointing devices. The ability to form a continuous line in the dark is an added advantage; this has lead to its usage as rescue lights as it can be seen from miles away.


Pachymetry. Pachymetry is a simple, painless test to measure the thickness of your cornea the clear window at the front of the eye. A probe called a pachymeter is gently placed on the front of the eye (the cornea) to measure its thickness.

Caring for patients in the inpatient setting is complex and often requires consultation from specialists. Yet the actual skill of obtaining a consult is rarely taught. learn by trial and error and suffering humiliation and much anxiety.

Digital retinal imaging uses high-resolution imaging systems to take pictures of the inside of your eye. This helps VSP network doctors assess the health of your retina and helps them to detect and manage such eye and health conditions as glaucoma.

Optical Coherence Tomography is a noninvasive imaging technology used to obtain high resolution cross-sectional images of the retina. The layers within the retina can be differentiated and retinal thickness retinal diseases and conditions.

A routine eye exam is not the same as a contact lens exam. For contact lens wearers, a contact lens exam is necessary to ensure the lenses are fitting both eyes properly and that the health of the eyes is not harmed by the contact lenses.

Ayushman Bharat Yojana or Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojanaor National Health Protection Scheme is a centrally sponsored scheme launched in 2018, secondary and tertiary care systems, covering both preventive and promotive health, to address health care.